Japanese Anime Manga Nana Osaki and Ren Honjo Themed Set of One Embroidered Fabric Keychain and One Enamel Metal Pin Badge
Japanese Anime Manga Nana Osaki and Ren Honjo Themed Set of One Embroidered Fabric Keychain and One Enamel Metal Pin Badge
Regular price
$12.99 USD
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$12.99 USD
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★ This special package Includes one embroidered keychain & one enamel pin badge
★ Represent your favorite Japanese Manga Nana characters Osaki and Ren Honjo with this set of enamel pin badges and embroidered keychain.
★ This set is bold in color and is a great way to add some extra flair to any outfit.
★ Perfect gift for Anime Nana fans who want to showcase their fandom in a stylish way.
★ We guarantee fast delivery from our warehouse in Texas US.